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Toni Mitchell is the founder and CEO of Blm Brew Co., and a police officer in Princeton, New Jersey. Founded in 2020, BLM Brew Co. stands for Black. Liberated. Motivated. Toni launched it to celebrate coffee and Black culture, and to create positive, lasting change that respectfully empowers and uplifts oppressed communities by partnering with people and organizations who are truly passionate about the greater good.
We are so grateful for the support Toni has shown to our initiative. Our partnership with Toni means so much to us.
First and foremost, since our team is primarily Asian and Asian American, it validates to us that in the face of injustice and a system skewed against marginalized communities, the Asian and Black community are stronger together. There has always been this trope of Black-Asian conflict, but this idea absolves the system of inequalities that positioned communities of these minoritized groups there.
Second, this partnership reflects the efforts of many within law enforcement to create a more equitable and responsive structure for people of color.
Thank you so much Toni!
Wenyan Wang, Senior Director at Novartis, NJ
WeiHong Zhang, Senior Manager in pharmaceutical company, NJ
Walter Yu, Student at University of California at Davis, CA
Samantha Wu, Student at Valley Christian School, San Jose, CA
Vivian Chen, Student at Princeton University, NJ
Mia Gong-Swanson, Student at High School, CA
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