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  • How long will the application take me?
    The application consists of three short answer questions and then an introduction video. You’ll have to do some preliminary research about a problem and come up with a solution. We expect the essays to take at most a couple hours to write and then edit. The introduction video should only be a simple introduction of your group and take a few minutes to shoot. Once you’ve completed all of these components you can simply paste in your essays and video link into the submission form.
  • Can I compete with team members in a different grade?
    Yes, you may compete with team members in a different grade. However, all competitors must be in the same age division.
  • Will I be competing against students in other age divisions?
    No, you will only compete against students in your age division.
  • How complicated does my proposal need to be?
    Proposals may be as complex or simple as you wish them to be. Fostering allyship can take place in a local club or a statewide organization.
  • Can I create a proposal with an established club?
    Yes, you can create a proposal with an established club at your school/in your community etc. However, the proposal must implement a new project or expand upon a previous project completed.
  • Can my team members attend other schools?
    Yes, as long as all team members belong to the same age division.
  • Can a teacher/professor/advisor help my team?
    A mentor may give you feedback or input about your proposal ideas. However, the proposal writing and editing may only be done by the listed team members.
  • What is the video introduction?
    The video introduction is a short video that will be played before your team presents at the pitching ceremony. In the video, you and your teammates need to introduce yourself and the name of your project. The video should be under 30 seconds and will not be used for any judging purposes.
  • How do I submit the video introduction?
    You should first upload your video onto YouTube. Then make your video unlisted or only accessible by link. You can then copy and paste your link into the google form.
  • Do I need teammates?
    No, you can compete alone or up to a team of four members.
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