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Allyship comes in various forms. Whether someone promotes the interests of their marginalized groups or another, allyship helps create a more equitable future for everyone. By calling attention to anti-Asian hate, one can encourage more inter-racial understanding, unity, and cooperation. Empowerment and advocacy should not be isolated to members of a particular marginalized community and instead is an opportunity for greater understanding and awareness.

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We can create a proposal that encourages solidarity and belonging 
within the Asian Pacific Islander (API) community to create a more equitable future
Fostering allyship in the API and other minority communities can expand beyond typical definitions of social justice and activism. Creating an equitable future can mean creating a plan to improve healthcare in economically developing countries or raising funds for refugees. Proposals can incorporate various interests and fields from STEM to the arts. For example, you can target increasing STEM education among minorities, opening targets to clean water, or creating equal access to medical resources. Or use the arts such as music, painting, writing, and poetry to connect and foster empathy and understanding within a community. Proposals may also come in various scales from a small book club to a statewide diversity program. Whatever direction you choose, we hope the proposal inspires you to take charge and create change through allyship. 


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"It is not about 'paving the way' for new investigators with common goals but rather to walk the walk with them"

- Samantha-Rae Dickenson


How can we stop hate crimes and co-create a more equitable future together?


How can we foster allyship? Create a proposal that encourages solidarity and helps prevent future hate crimes in the co-creation of a more equitable future.


A reminder that allyship comes in many different forms. The goal of allyship is to create a more equitable future for everyone. Allyship and calls against anti-Asian racism can also expand to establishing racial equality for all minorities too. Empowerment shouldn’t be isolated to members of only a particular group etc.




Be creative in your proposals and expand beyond the common definitions of solidarity and think about how a better future can be created by improving healthcare in economically developing countries or raising funds for refugees. Allyship spreads across multiple different fields and specialties so remember to be creative in your plan!
An equitable future can apply to multiple fields and situations. For example, you can target increasing STEM education among
minorities, opening targets to clean water or creating equal access to medical resources.
Or choose a different direction like using the arts such as music, painting, writing, and poetry to connect and foster empathy and understanding within a community.


To help structure your proposals, please answer the following questions:


1. Explain the problem(s) you plan to address in your plan. 

2. What is your action plan to accomplish this change? (Provide detailed steps on how you       will conduct your plan, who is involved, and what you plan to do)

3. What resources will you need to accomplish your plan? 



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- Proposals will be submitted by teams consisting of one to four members 
- Teams will compete in three age divisions:

GROUP 1: Middle School
GROUP 2: High School
GROUP 3: University (up to 1997)

- All team members must be from the same age division
- Proposals must be submitted by Sep12th 23:59 PST through google form
- Copyright of the proposals will belong to the program



Authenticity: Each proposal's intent and its genuineness and originality in understanding and promoting API allyship and an equitable future
Novelty: A proposal's unique distinctions and creativity compares to the other submissions
Practicality: The feasibility of a proposal

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STEP 1 - Fill out the application form 

STEP 2- Attach an 30 sec self-introduction video (unlisted youtube link)

STEP 3 - Submit google form and wait for confirmation


Finalist will be notified no later than September 29th, 2021 to prepare for the  Roundtable and Winner Recognition on October 16th. 

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